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Top Christmas gifts for your loved one living with Alzheimer's/Dementia.

Merry Christmas from all of us Here at Catalyst.

Below you will find our top selection of gifts to get for your loved one living with Alzheimer's / Dementia. If you see a gift you like then simply click the image of the gift and it will take you to a link to be able to purchase that item. If you have any questions about any of the gifts please don't hesitate to contact us via email

Gift 1 - large print crossword.

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Why? - A crossword will give your loved one a chance to work their brain whilst having fun. It is so important to keep your loved ones brain stimulated as the more the brain is neglected the quicker it can deteriorate. This one is particularly good as it is in large print which makes it far easier to read. Click the image to see more information.


Best suited for... Loved ones at the early stages of dementia. 


Gift 2 - Record player.

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Why? - Music can do INCREDIBLE things to anyone, especially those living with dementia. It has been shown to increase responsiveness and general moral by huge amounts. Click HERE to see a heart warming story of how music can help. We have chosen this record player as it looks like one your loved one may be familiar with, rather than a more modern looking one. Click the image to see more information.


Best suited for... Loved ones at any stage of Dementia. Although be on hand to make sure you can change the records for them as this will be confusing and could potential cause your loved one stress.

Gift 3 - stuffed Animals.

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Why? - Stuffed animals are an incredible sensory simulator. They bring enormous amounts of comfort to your loved ones living with dementia. You can find lots of different types but here are 2 good examples. Click the images to see more information. Other good sensory stimulating gifts include; Soft blankets, Pictures of family/friends and Comfortable clothing. 


Best suited for... Late stages of dementia. Like with all of the gifts, you know best when it comes to your loved ones, so use our recommendations as a guide and decide if you think it would be suitable. 

Gift 4 - Key/Item finder.

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Why? - This Item is brilliant for helping reduce stress and help find misplaced items & Keys. Simply attach to a key ring or item and if you can't find it, you press the corresponding colour and the item beeps. A good tip is to make a bigger 'Colour Key' so you know what item matches what colour.


Best suited for... Early to mid stages, can be very confusing for late stages of Dementia. 

Gift 5 - Simplified Mobile Phone.

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Why? - This Item is a brilliant alternative method of contact for your loved one living with Dementia. You can pre-program up to 4 important numbers and at the click of a button it will dial that number. This massively reduces stress and in the event of an emergency you loved one can call you even if they have forgot your number​


Best suited for... Early to mid stages, can be very confusing for late stages of Dementia. 

We Hope you have found our tips useful and informative. From all of us here at Catalyst... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

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